Save thousands of dollars and design your website right from the start.

Because you can get actionable website feedback—without the custom website price tag—within one hour.

Limited spots available—early pricing ends soon

Our clients have been featured in:

Get strategic insight and tailored feedback so you can craft a website that's magnetic to your dream clients.

In one power hour, you’ll receive tailored feedback on how to design and build your website—the right way. 

Don't have the budget towards hiring a web designer right now?

Are you building off of a template?

Whichever one applies to you, you’ll get tips tailored to you on how to design your website, based on your goals and your audience.

No questions left unturned, no dollars wasted towards a website without purpose.

Gain clarity within one hour so you can design a website that converts curious readers into committed customers.

Imagine you wanted to build your own house.

Would you start laying down the flooring before you’ve laid the foundation?

Would you start building walls?


You would probably spend weeks—even months—meeting with engineers and contractors, planning and strategizing to make sure everything is clear before you build.

So why would you build your website without doubling down on the strategy?

Let’s face it—a website isn’t cheap.

It’s a long-term investment for your business because it houses your business.

It’s your own space—one that’s meant to be a gathering place for your clients.

But if it’s not well thought-out, you’re flushing hundreds—maybe thousands—of dollars down the bottomless pit of designing, revising, bug-fixing…

…only to end up with a website that nobody wants—neither you nor your clients.

So how do you design a website that serves your people through your solutions?

This one mistake can cost you thousands of dollars.

And anything done without purpose is bound to be bad.

The thing is, you have a specific reason why you want to have a website.

Whether you’re looking to hire a web designer to (re)design your website…

Whether you’re looking to DIY…

You need to be crystal clear with what you hope to achieve with your website—and how it’ll get you to those goals.

That’s why I’m sharing this Strategy Session with you…

…so you can gain clarity on what the website of your dreams can look like, without wasting thousands of dollars on a website you don’t need.

Any web designer who lets you say “I just want a simple website” and doesn’t uncover your goals is just looking for quick cash. 

A well-designed website starts from a well-informed website strategy.

After half a decade of designing easy-to-use and memorable experiences for startups and corporations, I’ve realized that great design lends itself to great experience.

That’s why in 2022, I launched CONTRAST Collective Co., a boutique web design studio helping entrepreneurs and business owners like you serve your people well—online and offline.

Because I truly believe that your website should be an extension of how well you serve, care, and as a result, convert.

But too often I see business owners and entrepreneurs post their website links on Facebook groups (mostly because it's free)...

Hoping to get any website feedback from other business owners...

When, in fact, they're usually not the target audience nor do they have web design expertise!

So I set out to offer a 1-to-1 session where you get personalized feedback...from an actual web designer.

That’s why I’m piloting the Strategy Session!

And who am I to talk about websites to you?

After half a decade of designing easy-to-use and memorable experiences for startups and corporations, I’ve realized that great design lends itself to great experience.

That’s why in 2022, I launched CONTRAST Collective Co., a boutique web design studio helping entrepreneurs and business owners like you serve your people well—online and offline.

Because I truly believe that your website should be an extension of how well you serve, care, and as a result, convert.

But too often I see business owners and entrepreneurs post their website links on Facebook groups (mostly because it's free)...

Hoping to get any website feedback from other business owners...

When, in fact, they're usually not the target audience nor do they have web design expertise!

So I set out to offer a 1-to-1 session where you get personalized feedback...from an actual web designer.

That’s why I’m piloting the Strategy Session!

Get your web design/website copy questions answered in just 1-hour...

Instead of devoting months to a website that may never see the light of day.

A 1-on-1 intensive to get your web design or website copywriting tasks out of the way so you can act with intention.

Strategy Session

introducing the limited edition


Sam Lagumbay

[Alyssa] summarized and framed my services in such relatable ways and was even able to integrate my personality in the website. It was a game changer as I was able to look beyond my blindspots and realize the value I bring. 

"[Alyssa] is an excellent listener and will get a true understanding of your needs."

Taking your response from the questionnaire, I'll come to our session ready to brainstorm with you.

Within a day of our session, you'll receive action items to help you design and refine your website.

03 / Strategize

Fill out the questionnaire you’ll receive 3-4 days before your session starts.

This will help contextualize your needs and desired outcomes, which we'll define and fine-tune during your strategy session.

02 / Specify

Choose an available date and pay the one-time fee.

After you book, you'll receive a questionnaire to clarify the scope of our session. 

01 / schedule

Get started in 3 easy steps

You're committed to implementing the action items after the call.

You're willing to provide as much relevant information as possible before the strategy session.

You want to hire someone to design a custom website but want to make sure it's done right from the start. 

You’re available for emails or calls between 3-6pm PST during the week of your project.

You’re an entrepreneur  who wants to DIY web design but don’t know where to start.

You’re a business owner with defined offerings & a good grasp of your ideal audience.

This Strategy Session is for you if...

Anything from outlining your website-building game plan and the pages you'll need (or which website-building platforms are best for you)...

To clicking through your existing website and pinpointing the roadblocks that might be hindering your clients...

To reading through the words on your website, ensuring it supports your business goals and appeals to your target audience.

Of course, you’ll receive a list of action items/next steps so you know what to complete.

What can we cover during a Strategy Session?

Your Total Strategy Session investment:


*Canadian dollars; limited spots available—early pricing ends soon

Recording of your call so you can refer to it as needed ($39 value)

Tailored action items so you can work your website with intention ($467 value)

Analysis of your business, needs, and website goals before the strategy session ($897 value)

Tailored feedback from Alyssa & email access a few days before the call ($497 value)

Your Strategy Session includes...


But hurry—this pricing is available for a limited time only, with limited spots available!

Save $1,600+ when you book today.

Stop getting feedback from the wrong people.
Build your website right—from the start.

Your questions, answered.

Let's clarify what a Strategy Session isn't for—it isn't for me to design or write a website page for you in one hour. For those, you'll need the Signature Package. 

Strategy Session is for people who are ready to implement but need intentional & tailored guidance to design their website.

Straight from our T&C's: if you want to reschedule or cancel a Strategy Session date within 48 hours of booking and paying, please email Alyssa at You'll be refunded in full, minus processing charges. 

If you cancel after the 48-hour window, it's within our discretion to give you a refund. This is because, by cancelling on a short notice, you've prevented us from booking with another client.

To get the full rundown, make sure you're familiar with the Strategy Session terms & conditions (you'll need to accept it before booking a slot).