You can build a social media following, but people still search for your business on the web.

Your website experience influences whether or not your people buy or inquire.

That's why we use our half a decade of designing, using accessibility and user experience principles, to create a white-glove experience for your dream clients...

And position you as the business owner who goes above and beyond.

Your website is more than just pages of information. or colours/fonts.

But what IS design, if not just the colours/fonts?

of your people base their impression of your business based on your website design.

This isn’t web design circa 2008 where information gets the sale. We’re in 2024 where personalized experiences create trust which earns you the pitch and, eventually, the privilege of a sale. 

This is why our approach to designing with business strategy, story, and accessibility in mind creates converting websites.

Whether you’re speaking to their needs/wants/problems

How clear it is to self-select what they need and how you can help them

How easy it is to sign up for a call/buy your product/service

When people see your website design, they’re actually looking for:

Your dream website!

What your prospects need from your website comes from:

competitor research

seamless user experience

clear positioning

web accessibility

authentic, human copy

What you want your website to feel like comes from:

Your story

your personality

proven offers

your brand & style

your values

That "simple" website that feels like you? This is what it entails.

Speaker & presenter

Clay Imoo

Before working with Contrast Collective Co., my website was more of an afterthought. I certainly wasn't using it to its full potential.

Now I am excited to send people to this site so they can learn more about me and explore ways to partner with me.

"Alyssa masterfully crafted an attractive website that clearly reflects what's important to me and what I can offer."

In turn, it means good, sustainable business.

At the heart of it, good design—one that creates a digital living space to house your business and make your audience feel like home—reflects how much you care about your clients.

What does that mean for you?

With nearly half a decade designing websites/apps for all sorts of companies—startups to corporations—I’ve seen what bad experience design looks like and how it can turn away your dream clients.

I don't just push pixels and make things look pretty.

What I do for clients is "digital architecture".

Hi, I'm alyssa. I'm a web/UX designer but really—

You’re in the right place, friend.

Focus your efforts towards your mission (instead of going down the website rabbit hole)

Invite dream clients to inquire without spending hours on the computer

Take your web presence from “meh” to memorable

If you’re ready to:

How'd you like to partner together?

Our agency offerings

We're a full-service web design agency with different options of getting your website off the ground. Choose which approach best suits your needs & vision:

$175 CAD

on early pricing;
(Approx. $127 USD)

  • 60-minute call with Alyssa 
  • Downloadable call recording
  • Google Doc summary of notes & action items
  • 24 hours to review & ask questions

what's included

book now

  • You've spent hours tinkering your website...and still don't feel like it represents your brand
  • You want a web designer's take on how to improve your leads and clients' existing experience, and how to improve
  • You want to be strategic with your website redesign and identify the key areas to tweak

this is perfect for you if:

A comprehensive "audit" of your website to ensure it aligns with your business goals and calibre of client experience.

Website Review

website consultation & strategy

on early pricing (Approx. $127 USd)

$175 CAD

book now

From $1,450 CAD

  • Your polished website in 4 wks or less*
  • Colour contrast accessible design
  • Video recording of your new website
  • Email support 7-14 business days after handoff
  • One-pager of resources and tips to maintain your new website

what's included

view packages

  • You bought/want to buy a website template but don’t have the time, energy, and/or patience to turn it into a website of your own.
  • You're happy with the pages on a website template but need a designer's touch.
  • You want your website to feel less like a template and more like the white-glove experience you pour out into your client projects/offers

this is perfect for you if:

Save $250 CAD when you customize a CONTRAST template through our Website Intensive. 

Website Intensive


(Approx. $1,064 USD)

(Approx. $1,064 USD)

From $1,450 CAD

view packages

From $3,250 CAD

  • Foundational Questionnaire
  • Website research & strategy
  • Colour contrast accessible design
  • Full-site design mockups
  • (2) rounds of design & development revisions for most pages
  • Core SEO setup
  • Launch support
  • 30 days of website support
  • Option to add-on copywriting, branding, and/or third-party tool integration

what's included

  • You’d rather spend 50 hours on multiple client projects or away from your computer
  • You’ve tried making your own website…only to scrap it time and constantly “tinker” your website without real progress
  • You're ready to entrust all-things website to a strategic design partner
Don't want to worry about tech or copywriting? We can handle everything from branding & copywriting to setting up integrations & automations.

this is perfect for you if:

8+ week web design & development—without you lifting a finger or spending 50+ hours on your website builder. (We counted for you.)

Custom Web Design & Development


(approx. $2,385 USD)

Don't want to worry about tech or copywriting? We can handle everything from branding & copywriting to setting up integrations & automations.
  • You’d rather spend 50 hours on multiple client projects or away from your computer
  • You’ve tried making your own website…only to scrap it time and constantly “tinker” your website without real progress
  • You're ready to entrust all-things website to a strategic design partner

(Approx. $2,385 USD)

$3,250 CAD

build my website for me!

If you’re in the business of serving people well, how you show up online and offline should reflect that.

^^ That’s how you stand out.

...but they need to tune out the noise and tune into how you’re equipped to serve them. 

Because someone out there needs what you offer…

We’ll dig deep into how you uniquely serve, who you serve, and create a website that reflects that experience.

Let’s partner together to get you seen without selling your soul.

Join our Showit website template waitlist to be the first to know when the templates hit the shelves again!

So we made that for you.

But sometimes you just need a good website base to get you started—one where you can insert your visuals/copy. 

Truth: a well-designed custom website is expensive and web designers (us included) can be booked out for months.

Get first dibs on Showit website templates


Browse through our services—if you find one that catches your eye, apply for a call with us to see if we'd partner well together.

Ready for a website that works for your business?

Ditch design paralysis—let's co-create your website so you can finally have your own space to share your proudest work.