• Website Copy
  • Visual Branding
  • Website Strategy
  • Website Design 
  • Website Development

Project scope

Vancouver-based photographer finally gets a space of her own to house her growing collection of works

Colleen Franchesca Photography

launched: 2024




The Challenge

Running a business is hard. But running a growing wedding photography business, on top of a day job? Even harder, if we do say so ourselves. (At the time of writing, I, Alyssa, am still juggling a day job to fund this microagency.)

That was exactly Colleen's challenge. Being a visionary, she had words, ideas, and images in her head. But when it came to applying it onto her own website—the same website ever since she started her wedding photography business in 2021—she felt overwhelmed.

Colleen would tell herself that she'd get onto revamping her website during the next slow season.

Except when the slow season(s) came, it was the same old story.

When I inquired of her wedding photography services as a bride in 2023, I fell in love with the personality-packed copy paired with her beautiful work...

But I noticed that text colours a bit faint and sometimes hard to read, especially when on top of her gorgeous images. I shared these accessibility considerations with her when I sent the inquiry message and that opened the conversation about her website that has been in progress for so long!

everyday, natural luxury—a luxury not found in material things but in the mundane, memorable experiences.

Art direction  |

The Solution

Colleen's previous website wasn't terrible at all. We wanted to do more of what worked beautifully on her website, while at the same time improving the text colour contrast and the user experience. On the website copy front, her existing copywriting was personal—we just wanted to nudge people to inquiring with her, instead of staying in awe of her work.

There was even more opportunity to set her work apart so that she can be known for the personal client experience that she pours into every couple and family—the reason why her clients keep coming back to her for all their family milestones.

That's why before we started with building her website, we looked at the current landscape of wedding and lifestyle photographers. We identified points where Colleen can stand out even more. Starting with website strategy paved the way for strategic website copy and website design.

We also excavated a visual brand that's rooted in Colleen's personality, her dreams, and how she approaches every session.

  1. Text that has enough contrast with the background, while using Colleen's brand colours (meets WCAG 2.1 colour contrast requirements)

  2. Text and layout optimized for skimmers

  3. Proper hierarchy for texts so prospects can read key phrases and emotions from testimonials, etc.

After Contrast Collective Co

Before Contrast Collective Co

  1. Low visual contrast between text and backgrounds/images

  2. Angled/rotated text that are hard to read, especially for people with poor vision

  3. Long text blocks for client testimonials make it difficult for prospects to find key information (even with the bolded parts)




The Results

For years, Colleen has been dreaming of a website that feels like her own and reflects the quality of her work.

With consistent referrals and a day job, finding the time and energy to create a personalized client experience, Colleen needed help from a design partner who understands her vision.

Now, with a visual brand and website copy that's rooted in her story, and a website design that's built to accommodate her future clients, Colleen is excited to share her proudest work. 

Hover/click to scroll*

Website built on



Web design & COpy

Web design & Website COpy

*Some gifs may be cut off in the screenshot on the right

—Colleen Ang, Colleen Franchesca Photography

"[Before working with Alyssa it was hard] having enough time to run a business and interact with clients, while also maintaining the back end. All on top of another full time job.

I'm excited to finally blog and share all my photos! I've been saying that for years but now I really feel like I have my space to share my proudest work."

I audibly gasped when I saw the home page [...] you really thought of everything!

THe outcome


Browse through our services—if you find one that catches your eye, apply for a call with us to see if we'd partner well together.

Ready for a website that works for your business?

Ditch design paralysis—let's co-create your website so you can finally have your own space to share your proudest work.