We got answers.

Got questions?

There's no such thing as a stupid question. That's why we try to cover every kind of question on this page.

If you still don't see the answer to your question, reach out to us here.

We’ll start by having you fill out the form above. We'll take some time (3-5 business days) to sift through it. If the natural next step is to meet, we'll send an invite to meet over a 15-20 min Clarity Call.

We’ll ensure we’re the right fit for working together. If so, we’ll send you over a proposal, followed by a contract and an invoice.

Typically, a non-refundable 25% deposit is required at the time of booking to hold your spot in our client calendar.

Once the paperwork is out of the way, you'll receive a Foundational Questionnaire to make sure we capture your vision. From there, you'll be led through the project phases (for the Standard and Signature packages).

If you're looking for 1:1 guidance on how to uplevel your website, no need to fill out this form—book for a 45-min Strategy Session with us! 

For sure! Our payment plans for custom web design projects are typically broken into three to four payments. We’re open to exploring options that best suit you so please don't hesitate to ask.

For website templates, we offer 2-month and 6-month payment plans.

Nope, they work exclusively with Showit. You'll need a paid plan (free trial won't let you use your purchased template).

We will be in the near future but we'll only implement our own website templates. 

You’re a good fit for Contrast Collective Co if you've defined your offerings. We thrive with businesses and creatives who have a solid understanding of who they serve and why.

If you're not here yet, no worries! Download our free guide, Brand Excavation Worksheet, to uncover how you uniquely serve your people.

Also, we work mostly with brands and creative entrepreneurs who make it their mission to serve people well. Check out our Portfolio page to get a better sense of the type of work we've done in the past.

Still stuck?

No worries. Reach out to us by filling out this form or contact us through support@contrastcollective.co.

We aim to get back to you within 2-3 business days. Thanks in advance for your patience!