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keynote speaker, ministry leader, husband, and father of three

- Clay Imoo

“Before working with Contrast Collective Co., my website was more of an afterthought...Now I am excited to send people to this site so they can learn more about me and explore ways to partner with me."

“This website will help me in my mission of making a positive impact on everyone I encounter.”

kind words for contrast collective co

No more feeling embarrassed when people ask for your website.

Publish your website with ease with our Launch Checklist and the uber-responsive Showit team.

Oh and let your people know you have a shiny new website using our Launch Graphics included with your template!

Publish Your Site With Pride 😌


Drag and drop your copy into your Showit website, change the colors and fonts to your liking, and make it yours.

If you need help with your copy, don't fret. Our templates have prompts baked into the placeholder text so you can avoid the blinking cursor as much as possible.

Add Your Content (& Personality) 🤩


Think of the other website platforms you get ads about but with infinitely more freedom to customize. That's Showit for you, which our clients call "Canva for websites".

Showit offers several plans, including ones that integrate with Wordpress (hello, SEO!).

That means a website that's easy to edit AND searchable on Google!

Select Your Showit Plan 📊


No code. No thousands of dollars down the drain to make small updates.

Need a hand picking out a template? Check out our Product Comparison page.

Don't worry, you'll get a Getting Started guide plus video tutorials to help you launch your website ASAP.

Pick Your Website Template 🛒


How it Works

download your new website in four easy steps

No one cares about your customers as much as you do.

Well, except us. That's why we design our websites so that your people can do what they need to and take in the message you've worked so hard to craft.

Because it's not just about making things look pretty. Around here, we're all for timeless design.

And you know what never goes out of style?

How much care you have for your people, reflected on how you design your website.

Thoughtfully-designed with your people in mind.

the contrast collective co difference

There are no stupid questions. Overlooked answers? Maybe.
But we got you.

We know dealing with websites can be...a lot.

Send a message, check out the FAQs to see if your question has already been answered, or zip through the other resources to get what you need in no time!